The Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Sweden has the pleasure of inviting you to a Christmas Networking Lunch taking place at Restaurang Gubbhyllan at Skansen, Stockholm. We are very pleased to welcome Patrik Hildingsson from Swedish Match who will give a presentation during the lunch on the topic “Smokefree Switzerland 2030, A far-fetched vision or a real opportunity?”. We will also get a guided visit of the Snus and Match Museum.
Take this great opportunity to network while getting into the right Christmas spirit.
11:30 – 12:00 Registration
12:00 Welcome by Anne Brennwald, Swiss Chamber of Commerce
12:00 – 13:30 Christmas Lunch with a presentation by Christian Schoenenberger, Ambassador of Switzerland to Sweden and Patrik Hildingsson, Swedish Match
13:30 – 14:30 Guided visit of the Snus and Match Museum
Vid ankomst
Kryddig äppeldryck med ingefära samt nygräddade pepparkakor med ädelostcrème
Gubbhyllans klassiska lerpotta sill
Pannstekt hjortytterfilé med rostad rotselleripuré, ragu- & variation på Gotländska betor, friterat svartkål, bordelaissås
Toscakaka med nyvevad havtorn och saffransglass
Christmas gift from Lindt
Please contact us directly if you would like to receive the menu in English at
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Restaurang Gubbhyllan on 3 December 2019.