Go Innovation Labs – How to innovate in a large corporation and the necessity of having a broad cooperation with academia by Lars Andersson.
Come and join us at our next Go Innovation Lab on Thursday 12th April 2018 to meet with other professionals, business leaders and whoever is interested in digital innovation and share your experiences.
At this after work event we also welcome Lars Andersson, Country Director Nordics and Business Director for Performance Chemicals in AkzoNobel.
Lars Andersson will discuss how to innovate in a large corporation and the necessity of having a broad cooperation with academia.
Lars Andersson is also on the Board of IKEM, the Swedish Chemistry branch organization, the advisory board of Chalmers University of Technology, Chemicals department, on the advisory Board of KEMI, the Swedish Governmental organization for Chemistry. He has a master of science in chemical engineering and a licentiate of technology from Chalmers.