Under one roof you will find companies from almost every corner of the subcontracting industry. You can get updates on news in the industry, find new business partners and interesting contacts.
Elmia Subcontractor in Jönköping, Sweden, is a good opportunity to get an overview of the industry. Being the leading trade show of its kind it attracts “everyone” connected to the Swedish subcontracting industry. The exhibitors are keen to display their product news and innovation making the fair an excellent way of discovering trends and get inspiration for new solutions.
Seminar 16 november 2017 14.30 – 14.50.
Will be held in Swedish.
Handel med Schweiz – översikt och trender
Scen Subcontractor Direct, hall D
Hur ser handeln ut med Schweiz ur ett svenskt perspektiv? Vilka varor och tjänster flödar mellan länderna? Vilka trender finns att skönja och vilka aktörer kan hjälpa er på vägen?
Gustav Henriksson, Head of Trade Section, Embassy of Switzerland
Alain Lennquist, Swiss Chamber of Commerce