During the period under review, the economic impact of the war in Ukrainehas continued to weigh on the Swedish economy. While inflation has fallen continuolsly and is currently at a low level of 2%, economic activitiy is recovering slowly, with negative growth in 2023, low growth expected for 2024, and unemployment rate forecast to remain high (8,4% expected by the end of 2024).
The Swedish public actors have played their part in stabilising the economy. The Swedish National Bank (Riksbank) has been instrumental in fighting the inflation and stopping the depreciation of the Swedish currency (SEK). On the one hand, it has raised the interest rate and lowered it slowly, in line with the inflation dynamics. On the other hand, the Riksbank has decided to strengthen the SEK by reducing its exposure to foreign currencies.
For its part, the Swedish goverment´s priority is to keep the public debt around 32% of the GDP, as sane State finances are seen as the precondition for any larger recovery. In addition, the Goverment is working on measures in order to stimulate the economy and increase the productivity…
READ MORE HERE A754 Wirtschaftsbericht Schweden June 2024